A presential event established since 25 years, gathering hundreds of participants of our community across the world for open discussions, allowing to rediscover the dynamics in exchanges between researchers, engineers, users and solution providers but also foster creativity for research and development in the best state of the art driving simulation and VR community, as well as to discuss with the best experts about tomorrow’s products.
An enlarged virtual event for participants who will be able to attend virtually and hear about all the latest news and innovations in the driving simulation and VR field. Thanks to some of the latest available technology for virtual events, virtual participation in the scientific and product solution sessions is possible now with virtual meetings between the various presential or virtual participants to the conference.
A solidarity fund for the automotive community, suffering from the recent pandemic, with an initial budget of €10 000, to support travel expenses of those who wish to join the DSC Europe 2020 VR conference onsite but who do not have the available budget this year. This fund is also open to donations from every company concerned with the new situation created by the recent economical and health crises[1].
Please click on the links below to access the related sections:
[1] 100% of donations will be reinjected into the DSA Solidarity Fund
For more information or question, you can contact us at contact@dsc2020.org.